Monday, September 3, 2007

Mystery #149 – The Labor Day Special!!!

Joey Presents: Great Mysteries of the Universe
Mystery #149 – The Labor Day Special!!!

Ah, Labor Day, holiest of the "Mondays I don't have to go to school" family of holidays. Unlike Arbor Day or President's Day (note: careful sidestepping of all things MLK), Labor Day actually STANDS for something, making it the only day I can, in the name of hard work, eat cereal and watch cartoons in my underwear until noon.

For whatever reason I'm going to yet again bring up Ivan Denisovich in this blog, making it the official obscure book of Joey's Great Mysteries. Anyways, I was thinking about what Labor Day must be like in an actual labor camp. I mean, it's gotta be a big deal, right? At first the idea brought to mind grand images of parades and fun Labor Day activities, perhaps some sort of county fair. But really I imagine that would be kind of against the whole idea of the labor camp in the first place, so I suppose it would be celebrated instead with just good old-fashioned labor. Pretty much just like any other day, really.

Sounds like some Stalinist travel brochure: Ah, the Russian gulag! A place of magic and wonderment! Where the snow is always cold, the gruel is always lukewarm, and EVERY day is Labor Day!

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