Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mystery #144 - This guy

Joey Presents: Great Mysteries of the Universe
Mystery #144 - This guy

MSNBC has featured this breaking news headline on their homepage this evening, ahem...

"Man accused of beheading duck at hotel"

Now this, this already spells out "Great Mystery" in my mind. I just stared for awhile before I could convince myself to click the link, trying to figure out what I could POSSIBLY find on the other side.

Looking at the title alone, I can feel the questions popping up in my head. The most troubling thing to me is that nobody seems to know for certain if he did or did not behead said duck. How do you go about "accusing" someone of beheading a duck? Was the duck's head separated from its body? Did the action occur at his hands? Bam, there ya go. I see no real room for uncertainty. True, he could have been a closet fowl mutilator, but I find the "at hotel" tag enough to suggest that he was probably in public. Of course, I'm assuming he wasn't alone in his hotel room, which is entirely possible. However, this doesn't give me any less pleasure to imagine a cleaning lady finding a duck head among the sheets a la "The Godfather". Now there's something to ruin your day.

This mystery is unique in two ways. First, it is the second to deal with duck murder, which I find I'm quite proud of for some reason. Second, it is one of the few mysteries to be answered even as it is asked. Upon clicking the link, I was able to see the second half of the headline.

Man accused of beheading duck at hotel
His alleged explanation? 'I'm hungry. I'm gonna eat it'

My friends, our world is a wonderfully fanciful place. Good night, and I wish you all a happy Monday. (NBC article found here)

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